Amazing Parallels Between Surviving Your First Horse and Finding a Great Man

Reader Contribution by Jamie Cearley and Phd
Published on August 20, 2015
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This is my first horse Poncho. There’s something special between a woman and a horse. Connecting the two is an indescribable draw to their power, beauty and, yes, even their smell. I am getting what I call a therapeutic whiff in this photo. As a result of this bond, more and more women are getting into horses. Some statistics show as many as 90 percent of current horse owners are women. Yet, for many first-time horse owners their dreams turn to nightmares. The fun turns to fear, and the link to these magnificent animals is forever broken. Much the same is true for women and men. But more on men in a minute, horses first, after all, a horse should always precede a man. Warning: this order of priorities may last a lifetime and can be not only dangerous but expensive.

To increase your chances of surviving your first horse follow these tips:

1. Forget about how beautiful he is. Learn some good unbiased observation skills. Keyword, unbiased. Do your best to put aside the “Oh, he is so amazing” and the “Oh my! He smells incredible” and observe humans and their horses interact without bias.

Are they having fun? Or are they frustrated? Horses and humans have the most amazing abilities to frustrate each other. Are they calm and kind? Or are they both wound up so tight you are afraid they might break a spring and both of them fly to the moon? Is the horse responsive or reactionary to its human’s requests? Does the horse have soft eyes? Is he cooperative?

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