It is Always Tough to be the Little Guy

Reader Contribution by Christine Byrne
Published on March 7, 2012
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Our alpaca herd, all boys named after the Rat Pack, seems to have particular issues in establishing a pecking order this time of year. I can tell by the amount of accumulated alpaca spit below his ear, that poor little Joey here is getting more than his fair share of pecking. So much so, that he is also a little underweight. Joey is our youngest member of the herd and is deaf. Having been rather low on the totem pole myself when I was younger, I tend to take any excessive pecking order establishment personally. Picking on a special needs kid brings out yet another kind of wrath in me.

I am pulling Joey aside and giving him a special meal, which is resulting in snarles and glares from Dino and the rest of the gang. I chose to explain that if they would have just left the poor boy alone, they wouldn’t have this problem.

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