Horse Hoof Treatment: Duct Tape and a Diaper

Mountain Woman learns how to deal with a hoof abscess in a most unusual fashion.

Reader Contribution by Mountain Woman
Published on March 12, 2010
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by Unsplash/Mathias P.R. Reading
“All you need is duct tape and a diaper,” so said my vet as he finished draining Khrysta’s hoof abscess. “Just soak the hoof twice a day for 15 minutes and then wrap it up. The easiest thing to do is use a disposable diaper to wrap the hoof and then duct tape it.”

Hmm, duct tape and diapers. Not the first thing that comes to mind, but, hey, I’ve been missing that time of my life so what the heck. Horse, baby, whatever. I’ll just enjoy the experience of having tiny diapers in the house even if it is for a 1,200 pound equine.

Off went Mountain Man to the drugstore to purchase the needed supplies. I was very explicit with my instructions. “Buy newborn diapers, not those toddler things; newborn or preemie diapers. Remember her hoof is about the size of a newborn baby’s bottom. And, if you can find ones that are pink colored, that’s even better.”

Mountain Man gave me a strange look but never one to shirk any assigned task, off he went.

I had visions of him standing in a vast aisle of baby supplies looking lost and a clerk asking him if he needed help. I can hear it now.

“May I help you?”

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