Homemade Orange Peel Vinegar Chicken Coop Cleaner

Reader Contribution by Lisa - Fresh Eggs Daily Farm Girl
Published on June 12, 2012
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Lately I have been looking for recipes to make my own natural homemade cleaning products.  I’m sure you all have seen the orange peel vinegar cleaning spray all over pinterest. In fact, if you google ‘homemade orange peel cleaner’ 4.4 million hits appear. 4.4 million. So this idea certainly isn’t original. But it seems effective and won’t harm the environment, our lungs or our pets. I whipped up a batch using the instructions from one of the 4.4 million links and set it aside to ‘age’. 

Then thought I would kick it up a  notch and make some for cleaning the chicken coop.  I already clean the coop with white vinegar and water but thought the orange peel would make a nice addition since citrus oil is a natural insect deterrent and proven solvent.
I also decided to add some cinnamon sticks. Cinnamon oil kills mosquito larvae.  Vanilla beans went in next because vanilla repels flies, mosquitoes and other insects.  
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