A Surprise Duck Hatching

The story of one farmer's delight at an unexpected addition to the barn.

Reader Contribution by Fiona Wagner
Published on April 29, 2010
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by AdobeStock/annette shaff
Enjoy this tale about an unexpected duck hatching at Rowangarth Farm.

The barn is usually a fairly noisy place first thing in the morning. The chickens are clucking, the rooster is crowing, the goats are bleating, and the ducks are quacking. Well the Rouens are, at least. The Muscovies try hard but only manage a pitiful little squeak.

But on this day, I noticed another sound amongst the usual cacophony – a tiny “peep, peep, peep.” I looked down into the duck pen and there she was – our very first hatchling!

After screaming and scaring the hell out of the donkeys and horse (they’re a little touchy before breakfast), I went tearing across the barnyard while shouting at the top of my lungs, “Go get the camera, there’s a baby duck in the barn!” Once again, providing ample entertainment for our barnyard creatures.

How Long Do Duck Take to Hatch?

We have two ducks sitting on eggs right now. One is in the feed area (she deserves her very own blog post), and the other is in the duck pen. Recently, I’d looked up the incubation period for ducks, and while baby chickens hatch in 21 days, Rouen ducks hatch in 28 days and Muscovies in 35 days.

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