Trying Out a New Feed for my Chickens

By Staff
Published on May 30, 2018

June 2018 – Sponsored by Purina Animal Nutrition
By: Queren King-Orozco

Our King Farm chicken adventure started out with a hatching at the Mother Earth News office. Fast-forward six months and we have 18 chickens and two ducks! As new homesteaders, we often think about cost and quality. When approached by Purina Animal Nutrition to try their organic layer feed with their Oyster Strong® System through the Feed Greatness® Challenge, I was eager to give it a try. As per usual, research ensued. A typical practice when you are brand new to the farm life.

Our chickens experience a free-range life, therefore great health and endurance are an important factor for us. We live on 160 acres and there is the risk of predators and disease. We believe a well-fed chicken can live a long and happy life. A great coop and some amazing guard dogs have taken care of the predator situation. Our 2-year-old daughter has definitely helped in the social department. Our chickens are used to her gathering eggs. While we have had a few lessons on how to keep the eggs from falling and cracking, things have gone smoothly from day one.

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