One of my friends said she doesn’t understand why I enjoy winter so much. Hmm, that made me think. Below zero temperatures, snow omnipresent. Why would anyone choose to live in the frozen Northeast Kingdom? But I have the answer.
For the beauty and stillness of a cold winter morning.
For darkness that falls at 4:00 p.m.
The way the snow lights long winter nights.

And the moon so visible in the frigid air.

For horses impatient to journey on snow covered trails.

For dogs dressed in coats who frolic with glee.

For the surprise of a bird’s nest forgotten in the woods:

For leaving piles of snow to see just how high they will go.

For a December sunset awash in color

For icy streams that run through the woods

For snowstorms so big, you can’t get out the door

And snow banks piled high making perfect places to play.

For the first time the light shifts and you know spring is on it’s way.

And at long last the mud signaling winter’s end.

That’s why I love winter.