Preparing for Winter Chickens, Part 3

Reader Contribution by Becky And Andy
Published on October 15, 2008
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Yesterday we had the pleasure of completing a major goal in our business plan. We are now the proud owners of about 125 chickens (116 hens and 9 roosters). We acquired them from a wonderful homesteading family near Milwaukee. They are raising a new flock for themselves, and we were able to get a hold of their former flock through Craigslist.</p>
<p>The flock is mostly made up of Sunnyside Browns (similar to a <a title=”” href=”” target=”_blank”>Rhode Island Red</a>) and Sunnyside Blacks (similar to a <a title=”” href=”” target=”_blank”>Black Australorp</a>) from the <a title=”” href=”” target=”_blank”>Sunnyside Hatchery</a> in Beaver Dam. We also have several striking roosters: 1 <a title=”” href=”” target=”_blank”>Americauna</a>, 2 <a title=”” href=”” target=”_blank”>Barred Rock</a> and a couple more Rhode Island Reds.</p>
<p>Before we could accomodate the chickens, we had to do some work on the brooder house in which they would live. My father and mother have been doing extensive work rebuilding the window frames and replacing the windows. Here, my mother is putting the finishing touches on one of the windows.</p>

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