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Terrific Turkey Every Time
Find your favorite method for preparing the perfect bird for holiday gatherings.
Holly Brings Joy to All Seasons
A number of cultivars are useful for any number of designing and decorating endeavors.
Cordwood Construction: How to Build Your Dream Home
Here’s what you need to know to buy and care for a family cow. You’ll enjoy fresh dairy products and meat too!
Arming the Homestead
Firearms play a role in country life, and a small collection can serve a variety of purposes.
Unique Garden Plants
Ten interesting plants that live up to their common names and look great in the lawn and garden.
Build Trust With Your Horse
Forge a strong and lasting relationship with your horse for years of joy and service together.
Earthworms: Nature’s Compost Engineers
Gain a new perspective for the squirming buggers responsible for your garden’s soil improvement.
Keeping Cattle on the Small Farm
Try your hand at raising your own beef and milk.
Our View
Hairy Coos
Mail Call
Homesteaders of the Year; Cast-Iron Lore; Tomato Harvest; Cast-Iron Outdoor Cooking; Melt and Pour With Repellent; Thanking Neighbors; Making Hay; Osage Orange Wood; Paper Boy Days; Trees for Tomorrow; Jellies and Jams
Friends & Neighbors
Innovative Splitter and Depth Guide for the Tiller from our friends at Farm Show.
GRIT Gazette:
Hometown Buzz
Wichita Farm & Ranch Show
Franklin County CiderDays
Fall Harvest Festival
USDA Expands Farm Safety Net
Cracker Christmas
Farm Dust Reduces Allergies in Children
Back to the Roots
Native American communities reconnect with farming culture as a means of battling food shortages and health issues.
Heart of the Home: Childhood Dream Careers
Realized Childhood Dream of Working on Old Tractors, Farm Equipment and Cars
Always planned on Being a School Teacher
Looking Back: Seeds of Life
Massachusetts family thrives on hard work and fertile soil.
Comfort Foods: Bountiful Bowls
Lighten up pasta and rice bowls with these creative vegetable versions.
Recipe Box: A Life of Pie
Make a tasty choice when you select one of these dessert delicacies for your next holiday meal.
Country Tech: Maintain Your Chain
Keeping sharp chainsaw chains is critical for getting the most out of your machines; plus it helps keep operators safe.
In the Shop: The Backyard DIY Smokehouse
Smoke meat in your own smokehouse for a lifetime of good eating.
American Heirlooms: Palatable Persimmons
When ripe, this fruit is a tasty, delightful treat, but if you bite into a not-so-ripe persimmon prepare yourself for a bad experience.
Sow Hoe: Streaker in the Pumpkin Patch
Find a new favorite snack when you grow Styrian pumpkin varieties for their hull-less seeds.