Excellent Resource for Raising Chickens in Town

Reader Contribution by Hank Will and Editor-In-Chief
Published on January 30, 2009
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The other day I stumbled across a <a title=”wonderful website” href=”http://urbanchickens.org/” target=”_blank”>wonderful website</a> that’s devoted to helping folks raise chickens in urban and suburban residential environments. The website,  <a title=”UrbanChickens.org” href=”http://urbanchickens.org/” target=”_blank”>UrbanChickens.org</a> (Albuquerque, NM) is the brainchild of  KT LaBadie and her husband Mark Scully … the couple founded the website in 2007 after KT gave a presentation on the benefits of chickens in urban environments in one of her graduate planning classes. “This presentation sparked a lot of interest from fellow classmates who were unaware of Albuquerque’s chicken friendly ordinances and zoning,” KT says. “This prompted Mark and me to start the <a title=”Albuquerque Urban Chickens group” href=”http://urbanchickens.org/abq-urban-chickens” target=”_blank”>Albuquerque Urban Chickens group</a> as a way to educate the local public and teach urban chicken keeping classes.”</p>

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