GRIT July/August 2022 Table of Contents
Gazette: Dry-Pack Foods for Long-Term Storage
Save space in your freezer by properly packaging dry goods so you can keep them on a shelf instead.
Jam-Packed Goodies
These jam and jelly sweet treats will be a feast for your taste buds and your eyes.
Bring in Strawberry Season
Support Neighborhood Pollinators On Your Property
Sustainable food production begins with healthy local ecosystems.
Habitat Improvement Projects for Your Woodlot
Manage your woodlot with these DIY silviculture practices, and watch your local habitat fl ourish.
Wrangling a Reliable Ranch Horse
Learn what to look for when selecting your next workhorse so you end up with an excellent equine each time.
5 Common Goat-Keeping Mistakes
Novice herd owners can stumble when raising their first bucks, does, and kids. Here’s some advice on how to maintain firm footing with your caprine companions.
The Curious Creeping Cucumber
This small but mighty cucurbit offers gardeners a unique food that requires minimal care to grow year after year.
Dog-Days Danger
Be prepared for summer’s hot, dry weather and the hazards it often brings.
DIY System for Saving Rainwater
Harvest rainwater in a low-maintenance collection setup to water your garden and fi ll your stock tanks with this free, live-giving resource.