Planting Flower Bulbs for Next Spring

By Susan Clotfelter
Published on August 11, 2010
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Tulip bulbs ready for planting.
Tulip bulbs ready for planting.
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Standing tall against a bright sky, blooming daffodils and tulips are sure signs of spring wherever you reside.
Standing tall against a bright sky, blooming daffodils and tulips are sure signs of spring wherever you reside.
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Siberian squill (Scilla siberica) is an early spring bloomer.
Siberian squill (Scilla siberica) is an early spring bloomer.
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Pink edges punctuate this tulip flower.
Pink edges punctuate this tulip flower.
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Fluffy alliums are often used as border plants and come in a variety of colors.
Fluffy alliums are often used as border plants and come in a variety of colors.
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With centuries of breeding behind it, the tulip offers seemingly endless variety.
With centuries of breeding behind it, the tulip offers seemingly endless variety.

Flowering Bulbs to Plant on Your Acreage

Nothing soothes the soul like spring – and nothing announces the season like a clump of blooming tulips, a blur of grape hyacinths, a swath of crocuses, a blaze of daffodils, a secret clutch of shy, purple or white fritillaria.

But planting bulbs? Ah, now that’s the supreme act of faith, proof that you’re sticking around. It’s a testament that you’ve now reached adulthood and can handle delayed gratification.

Because bulb-planting season is often cold, sleety, brown, gray, anything but colorful.

No matter. When gardeners talk about bulbs, superlatives pop up a lot.

“They’re like the best kind of guest,” says Anna Pavord, the British author of the photo-packed, 544-page, 8-pound tome Bulb. “They leap up into flower and delight you, and then tuck themselves away. They’re about pure delight and pleasure.”

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