Worst Case Scenario 6 Steps to Turn Your Home into a Bunker

Reader Contribution by Joe Fortunato
Published on January 20, 2014
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Natural disasters can pop up in a matter of hours, and leave a path of destruction that takes months to clean up. Having a safe place for your family to “bug out” and stay safe till the threat passes is the only way to assure their safety. So how can you turn your home into a bunker? Here are six steps for doing just that. 

Clear out Your Cellar

Cellars are great options for bunkers because they’re typically made of solid concrete. If an unexpected disaster happens, you won’t have time to prepare the cellar, so you’ll want to plan ahead. Clear the cellar of all items and then bring in supplies you’ll need in the event you have hunker down for a while. 

Add in Some Food

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