Beauty in Beach Glass

Reader Contribution by Lois Hoffman
Published on March 28, 2018
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When folks go to the beach, they usually comb the shore for rocks or seashells. But there is another treasure, though often overlooked, that can be just as precious as the other two. Beach glass is the smooth, frosty product of broken glass left to tumble in the waves and eventually become the jewels of the sea.

I was first introduced to beach glass when we visited Maine back in 2012. Just off the coast there is an island named Islesboro where we were supposed to go on a lobster boat for a day. However, the owner got sick at the last minute and we were left with a whole day of nothing. The owner’s sister decided to be our tour guide and asked if we would like to visit a little known spot where we could find some beach glass. What a treat, the beach was literally covered in beach glass and we were hooked.

Beach glass is sometimes referred to as sea glass although there is a definite distinction. Beach glass is found in fresh water, whereas sea glass is a product of salt water. It is usually formed when sharp edges of broken glass get smoothed by sand, stones, salt and other elements that continually wear on the broken glass until it becomes smooth. The glass itself is nothing magical, but rather it is ordinary glass that finds itself in the oceans, seas, rivers and lakes.

Beach glass can be found all over the world from the beaches of the northeastern United States, California, Hawaii and North Carolina to countries like Bermuda, Mexico, Italy, Spain and even down to Australia. Although folks think of combing ocean beaches and the shorelines of the Great Lakes, this unique glass can also be found on the shores of rivers, lakes and bays. The more currant or wave action, the more top quality the beach glass becomes.

Geological terms like inclusions, clarity, color, facets and purity pertain to sea glass just as they do to gemstones. However, the impurities and inclusions (things inside) that are bad in gemstones are excellent qualities in beach glass.

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