Lawrence Davis-Hollander

Lawrence Davis-Hollander

From the Ethnobotanist

By Lawrence Davis-Hollander

Lawrence Davis-Hollander is former director and founder of the Eastern Native Seed Conservancy. This non-profit organization conserved food plant seed especially from the Northeastern US, including Native American varieties. ENSC developed many food events bringing chefs, farmers and the public together around heirloom meals,  sold seeds, started heirloom gardens for kids, explored heirloom value added products, and many other activities.

He is trained as a botanist and ethnobotanist, farmed organically, gardened, worked with herbs and ornamental plants, cooks, and watches bald eagles and spring wildflowers at a nearby preserve. In the spring of 2010 Tomato A Fresh from the Vine Cookbook (Storey Press) was published. In the fall of 2010 he began working on establishing a poster company, displaying the artwork of his wife, Margo Davis-Hollander, combined with his ethnobotanical interests.  This new company was in part a revival of former herb posters which were enormously popular in the 1980’s and 90’s plus the creation of  new series.

In his spare time he is a life coach supporting people to create their own vision from a place of authenticity, becoming new observers and “managers” of their life.