Larry Scheckel

A Farm Boy Remembers
By Larry Scheckel
Larry Scheckel will focus his blogging on farm life and his experiences growing up on a 238-acre farm in Crawford County, Wisconsin. Figuring prominently in his posts will be his parents and eight siblings.
Currently, Larry and his wife, Ann, call Tomah, Wisconsin, home. Located in Monroe County, the small town is just a couple of counties removed from his children home.
He plans to also write about rural life, one-room country schools, tractors, farm machinery, garden equipment, crops, and farm animals.
His current project is producing a PowerPoint presentation and talk for the Country School Association of American conference, which will be in June in Saratoga Springs, New York. Other projects on his to-do list: learning to play chords on the guitar (in addition to notes); flying a recently acquired radio controlled plane without crashing it; and getting his fourth book ready for publishing.
Larry’s definition of a homesteader is “a very brave person who seeks to live off the land as much as possible. He lists his country skills: “I can ring a pig, castrate a pig, milk a cow, ride a horse, repair and overhead small engines, and use the microwave.”
And this farm boy’s philosophy on country life?
“Enjoy every day to the fullest, watch sunrises and sunsets, walk in the quiet of the woods, enjoy a good lightning storm and savor the sound of rolling thunder, watch for the first robin in the spring, notice the budding of our maples, and I believe that dandelions are beautiful and deserve to live.”
Reach Larry through his website, via Facebook or on Twitter.