April Freeman

April Freeman

The Accidental Farmer

By April Freeman

In the fall of 2001, my husband and I moved into our recently built home in Middle Tennessee. At the time, we had a four-year-old, and I was expecting baby No. 2. We built on six acres with the plan that we would live there two years and then sell.

Then we started planting trees.

Currently, we’ve been on the farm for 12 years. We have a small (20 or so head) herd of beef cattle, chickens for eggs, three dairy cows, four horses, orchards, gardens and tractors. We have four children ranging in ages from 16 to 6 and I homeschool.

I often tell people that I am an “accidental farmer.” I grew up a city girl, but I have completely fallen in love with the rural life. I believe that anyone can learn the farming lifestyle if you want to do it badly enough.