Bad Blood

Reader Contribution by Mitch Littlefield
Published on October 28, 2015
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I know it’s been a while since I lasted posted to this blog. It’s been a very busy beginning of fall for me with family commitments, work commitments, and I’ve spent any free time taking in the glorious fall weather with hikes around Bangor and some of the fantastic wilderness of Maine north of Brownville Junction. That said, it’s also because I have been experiencing a bit of creative block. For me, I have to “feel” it, to sit at the keyboard. This not feeling it comes and goes, so I find it a normal and natural part of the process as a writer. In any case, I know that compulsion to write will return — especially when I can’t go out and play as often — I admit it — I don’t play in the bitter cold much anymore.

So, we are moving into the hunting season here in Maine. Folks have been bird hunting, moose hunting, and now are preparing for the holiest of the hunting grail — deer hunting. With that in mind, I will post a story from my book, “Memories of Shucking Peas,” that illustrates preparing for an afternoon’s hunt — back in the day.

Hope you enjoy.

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