Autumn Arrives

Reader Contribution by Allan Douglas
Published on October 26, 2011
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It’s late October; the mountains are splashed with red, gold, yellow and russet as the hardwood trees settle in for a long nap.  There is a bite of winter to the nighttime air.  Most of the garden is slowing to a crawl if it’s not wilting up entirely.  But not everything in the garden is going dormant.

Don’t Put the Whole Garden to Bed

Winter crops include leaf lettuce, mesclun, carrots, chard, Brussels sprouts and onions. These will continue to grow and provide fresh vegetables well into the winter.  Winter gardening?  Outdoors?  Yes!  This is possible by choosing carefully the crop you plant and providing protection from winds and storms through cold frames, many root crops and some leafy greens can be grown even in the winter.  And not just in the south. The Winter Harvest Handbook was written by a fellow who runs a year round farm – in Maine!  And he does this without hothouses.

Nature’s Art Gallery

This is Leaf Peeper season in the Smokies: a time when tourists from all around the country come here to look at and hike among the colorful fall foliage.  There are many festivals as well, nearly all will feature locally made art and crafts, delicious food, as well as traditional dancing and music.

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